Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Power Of Forgiveness

We talk about making the best in any bad situation, it's all about "emotions".. affliction, anguish, rejection or anything that can change your mood and direction towards everything, but at the end you find yourself picking up the pieces and moving on.

Past is past, we can't bring it back, and we don't need to forget the past, but what important is we can make that past as a learning tool and a way to welcome the future and enjoy the present.  Who hasn't felt betrayal,unfair treatment or something more abusive? Many of us cling to the resulting rage or pain, but there were who choose to keep all under their control.

Forgiveness play a big role to heal a heart. Learning to forgive those who hurt us can have profound benefits. It's become a new way to manage anger, cut stress and even can improve our health.  Let forgiveness back into your heart so you can be the best of  you can be.

Forgiveness does not change the past,
 but it does enlarge the future
and brighten your day..

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Best Month To Get Married

Marriage - A lifetime relationship with an oath that they will be next to each other in good and in bad times, or "till death do us part" . Marriage has always been regarded as the most sacred and purest bond shared between the bride and the groom-an institution that is so central to human experience.

As we all know, June is the most popular or traditional month to get married, why is this so? Are there any significance of  becoming June bride? What if we choose to wed in different month?

Let's hear what others opinion; January bride will be a prudent housekeeper and very good tempered. February bride will be an affectionate wife and a tender mother. March bride will be a frivolous chatterbox, somewhat given to quarreling. April bride will be inconsistent or forceful but well-meaning. May bride will be handsome, agreeable and practical. June bride will be impetuous and generous. July bride will be handsome but a trifle quick-tempered. August bride will be agreeable and practical as well. September bride will be discreet, affable and much liked. October bride will be pretty, coquettish, loving but jealous. November bride will be liberal and kind but sometimes cold. December bride will be fond of novelty, entertaining but extravagant.

All written above are just some of personal opinion I've read about choosing wedding month, it doesn't mean it's my own opinion as well. For me,it's not on when or what month the wedding date is can give a couple a peaceful, romantic, blissful or blessed married life, but it's depends on God's will and how the couple will live their life after marriage. 

How about you what is your opinion on choosing wedding month?



Source/ image credit;

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Dark Side Of Light At Night

Every Urbanite knows that the bright lights of the city make it impossible to see all the stars in a night sky. What most of us don't know is that those bright lights might also be making us sick, as what some researchers, biologist, epidemiologist found out.

Did you know that light at night is one of many human or people's health hazard especially to us women? In some research, too much exposure to light at night decreases our melatonin level and possible contributor to the increased incidence of breast cancer, depressions and/or may lead to chronic fatigue.

Richard Stevens an epidemiologist at The University of Connecticut Health Centre, has developed the idea that light at night can disrupt critical hormone levels that affect human health. Another study Stevens worked on, showed that  women who worked the overnight shift seemed to have substantially higher at risk of breast cancer rather than those visually impaired woman. How is that happened? The key is melatonin, produced in the brain's pineal gland only when the eyes signal it is dark. Production begins around nightfall, peaks between 1 a.m and 2 a.m, and shuts off during the day. Those who worked under lightning at night could be reducing the amount of melatonin they produce. Experiments have shown that melatonin may inhibit oestogen from stimulating the growth of beast cancer cells, which explains why blind woman presumably maintain high melatonin levels rather than those night shifter woman worker.

What can you say about these studies? What important is we are aware of what's happening and what are the possible effect of too much light at night for us human, especially for us women.

Image credit;
Source; Reader's Digest - June 2003 Edition,vol 81 no.483

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13TH

Fear of  Friday the 13th or paraskevidekatriaphobia which installs a morbid, irrational fear in some. Friday the 13th considered one of the unluckiest days on the calendar or bad luck day for some.

Superstitious or not, still some people may want to change their schedule or appointment  to avoid bad luck and some will avoid black cats or ladders on this Friday the 13th. This belief or superstition is still unknown it's up to us people how we'll take this Friday the 13th, a bad luck or a good luck.

I always believe that, bad luck or good luck is not only on one specific date. It can happen anytime or any day, the best thing we can do is to take or make some precautions in everything we do to avoid incidents that we might considered bad luck for us. 

Every year has at least one Friday the 13th, while some years have as many as three. But it doesn't mean this dates was given to scare people or fear us in some ways. "Be positive and you will overcome fear" always think positive things to avoid paraskevidekatriaphobia. If we can't cure it, atleast try to avoid thinking about it and fear will be lessen. 

What is Friday the 13th to you? What is your belief  when this date comes?

 Wishing you all 
 Happy and fearless Friday the 13th!

Image credit:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Women's Talk

When you first start dating, it's easy to fall hard and fast. The reason?  He's all -out of mission to charm the pants off you.. literally and figuratively. The wooing stage is about selling themselves and putting their best foot forward. 

Once they succeeded in sweeping you off your feet though, you'll start to notice various changes with them. Some are nice and they seems so much comfortable with you. But others may come across as negative or just plain bizarre.These changes makes us ladies to panic and worry much.

Did you know that men aren't the only one who transform when they become part of couple? Yes, here are some what guys fear most; 

30% She doesn't want sex
20%  She doesn't care much on her looks
15% She become unreasonable
10% She'll get really needy
10%  She'll crack down on guy time
  8%  She'll push for more commitment
  3%  She'll want me to hang with her family
  2%  She'll become home-body
  2%  She'll bitch about my interest in sports.

Statistics and opinion are base on some research I made from neighborhood. Sad to say but some of guys frets were true. Some woman transform or fall with these sign when they become part of couples. 

These changes can cause relationship to get cold as ice that can lead to serious problem like;

* Your guy might lose interest with you
* He start to play (flirt) with other
* He easily get angry or hot tempered in simple things
* Start to hide money from you for his extra curricular activities (dating with others)
* Or worst, he will leave you and file separation or divorce.

Some tips to maintain the sweetness and flame of relationship are, be more aware of what your partners need, discover new things to impress him and make him 'miss' you all the time. Stay beautiful and attractive on his eyes. 

Are you one of those ladies who transformed when become part of couples? How do you maintain your relationship?

Image credit:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shape Even After Thirty

When shapes, figure or fitness matter, women always wanted to get fit.  Women at their 20s don't worry much about their shape, they eat what they please and be as sedentary as a rock with nary an ill effect. But if they continue their merrymaking, and keep it until they reach 30, 40 or 50s they will turn into a grumpy blob at high risk for smorgasbord of nasty diseases.

During 30s, generally women become a lot less active . Then come the babies, complete control of their lives and responsibilities. That's when they tend to gain weight and lose their shapes.

During 40s, women face constant stress, making important decisions about lives and thinking seriously about preventing disease to have longer life for their family most especially.

During 50s, women start to face menopause and an entirely new spectrum of health issues, since body begin producing less estrogen. The ageing  process begins to accelerate at 50.

Walking is one way to stay in shape even after 30. It's practical and beneficial at any age and particularly sensible for women in their 30s, 40s and 50s.

Why walking?

* One reason is easy to start, joints are not forced and the impact is reduces by at least a third compared running. And it can increase bone density.

* Walking is all-day energy, can make you fit and energetic throughout the day.

* Walking also protect women from nearly all the chronic diseases that can come along during those years and beyond. 

* Walking briskly not only burns kilos while you're hitting the footpath but also after you finish.

* Walking causes your brain to produce mood-elevating beta-endorphins, and may help prevent you from becoming depressed or anxious.

Beyond all, walking can add quality to your life. Any walker will reel off the benefits - self esteem, confidence and positive outlook  physically and mentally fit as decades go by. Walking is one best way to stay fit and in shape even after you thirty.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

~Sharing.. Wednesday Photo Inspirations.. (#4)

Sharing among children is my Wednesday inspirations.
 These photos caught my attention and find them very
inspiring. If all of us knew how importance sharing is, maybe there's no hunger, poverty, and fighting here on Earth.

Encourage and let our children engage in sharing. 

NO race, color or age
Sharing is for everybody..

Join us and be part of 
Wednesday Photo Inspirations!

If you post the photo in your blog and link it up, don't forget to add the button.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Creativity One Hidden Talent

Did you know that we all have our hidden talent? Have you discovered what was that hidden talent you have? If not, tap it now and give yourself a chance to show and explore it. 

In these world of blogging, sharing ideas, experiences or even promoting advertisements can be considered talent from many bloggers and the good thing is, they earn money out from their talent. What more if you can write poetry, stories, novel or paint something suitable for framing? Being creative is one hidden talent that others don't know,in simple way of expressing and penning down emotions, we are being creative.

Creative mind is good for your health, it enriches free time, reduces stress and brings better mental and physical as well. It can even make you smarter. Everyday routine dulls our minds, creative expression gives our brains a workout, activating new circuits in our grey matter.

Here's are some how to tap our hidden talent;

* Let it flow, creativity does not necessarily require an act of will or sweat on the brow. It's about getting beyond logic.

* Be spontaneous, creativity asks us to change the way we live our lives to turn away from normal way of doing things and express our individuality.

* Start something... or anything... that you really want to do or explore. From the word 'I have no talent; I'm not smart enough; I'm not gifted' can be one step forward to try new things and creative. Ability or intelligence doesn't limit  people's creativity. If you want to be more creative, you have to take more risks.

*Get out of the box, make the time well spent. If your talent can't take you to fame or fortune,for sure it can be life altering, it can lead you to a big changes in your work, social circle and other pursuits. 

Isn't it a big reward if we can live or die with at least one of our wishes was fulfilled? We'll never know what we got until we try.

Image credit:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


From the very beginning, many are aware that the world in which we live will not endure. Many are cognizant too, of the fact that man's life including his possessions-wealth, health, honor, wisdom, and or power are fleeting. Breath of every human is temporary and people will suffer from many adversities and trouble while at journey. We are just a stranger and or a sojourners in this world.

Despite of those things, we are trying to preserve our lives, doing all we can in order to improve and be better off, it's because life is a gift from God. We all wanted to succeed and have a good results at the end, in relationship, career, or anything that people wanted to achieve.

Success is not easy as what other people used to tell, but we are all entitled to have it if we knew how to get and work for it. We can read and find the word success first before work in any dictionaries. But in real life, 'work comes first before success'

If we want the word success, let's work hard for it. We can do it, one step at a time, set your goals and help yourself to achieve it.

"Success is better done than said"

Image credit;

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HELLO can change YOU..

Is it possible to say 'Hello' without smiling?  I don't think so.. It's impossible, right? What does the word 'hello' means to you? Hello is one of the most basic gesture that we use almost everyday. Can you count how many times you said hello in a day? Are you one of those people who doesn't have time to greet?

Even though how hectic or busy our schedules are, this word hello can be shared in a simple way and always shared with a smile. Saying hello is not just a greeting but acknowledgment of existence, it is a pause, however a brief, to affirm another's worth and can have your affirmed in return. 

'Hello' word is one learning tool, we can learn many things with this word. Did you know that this small and simple word of hello can change the world or even can change you? Try to master this word, share it with everybody, including those people you really don't know. You will see the big difference and the good result of this word to you and to other people as well to entire world.

Here are just some that I've learned from the word 'hello'

* At first it's not easy to say hello with someone you really don't know. But, I learned that if I will not try how will I know his/her response.  I've met new friends from this simple word.

* I gained respect, more respect from other people. When I started to practice hello word to everybody, even those kids on the street or older people that I used to see outside my house everyday are sharing their hello and smile with me every time I passed by with them.

* It reduces stress. Sometimes in everyday work  you encountered problems that gives us a lot of stress, but when someone pass by and greeted you hello and show their smile, it  lessen your stress because for sure you will greet them back with smile too.

We all know that this word  'hello' is just an ordinary or simple gesture, but it gives a lot of changes to every individual. How about you what have you learned or what have you noticed with the word hello?

Images credit;, yoursmiles org.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fire Prevention Month

March is Fire Prevention Month

The observance of Fire Prevention Month in the Philippines began in 1967, under Presidential Proclamation No. 115-A, which was issued by former and late President Ferdinand E. Marcos on November 17, 1966. March was chosen as the fire prevention month, as it marks the start of the hot and dry season here in the Philippines  which most fires occur.

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the lead agency in the celebration, is calling on all citizens, schools, companies, and communities to be alert, vigilant, and cooperative to avert the incidence of fire. This agency has only limited resources and we can't just rely with them. Our firefighters and other agencies are doing their best to protect our lives and property when incidents of fire was occurred. The public vigilance and precaution remain the best means for fire prevention.  Let us do our share in this regard. 

Prevention is better than cure
 Be aware, fire-safe and free!
Support this campaign.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Wednesday Photo Inspirations.. (#2)

Isn't it inspiring? Seeing kids with this hug?
 You can find this photo here

Hug is one of the best gift you can get from a person whom you love most.  It's a silent word saying,
 'I do care and everything would be fine'..

~Simple Hug Quotes~

A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange.  ~Author Unknown

Your hugs and kisses are like the stars that light up my life when things get dark.  ~Author Unknown

A hug is a handshake from the heart.  ~Author Unknown

Join us and be part of
 Wednesday Photo Inspirations!

@ Dana's Diary Secrets

If you post the photo in your blog and link it up, don't forget to add the button.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Only In The Philippines

 Welcome To Philippines Best Beaches

It's summer time here in the Philippines!  Have you heard about the well-known or top rated beaches here in the Philippines? Let me share some of them and hope you would love to take a look or visit them sometime soon.


Boracay – has always been the favorite place of beach goers to go in the Philippines. This is because of the great white sand and cool waters, Boracay is the place for people looking to party. It is even considered as one of the finest beaches in the world. Boracay is located in the North West part of the Visayas area called Panay.

Pagudpud – if you’re looking for a place that can be like Hawaii, Pagudpud is the place to visit. The strong winds and waves can be compared to that of Hawaii which makes this place often visited by surfers. Pagudpud also has long continuous white sands and inviting beach waters for people looking to just swim. Compared to Boracay, this place is more secluded.

Mactan Island – the queen city of the South, Cebu, also has its fair share of great beaches. One of them is the so called Mactan Island. It is a tropical island resort. It provides tourist with great entertainment such as night life activities that will spice up the visit.


Panglao - if you love to dive visiting Panglao is the place to be. This place is a tiny island found hidden in it’s bigger nearby island of Bohol. 


Camiguin – the palce has been known to be one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines because it still seems like a paradise. Some people even consider the palce the “Garden of Eden” in the country. Camiguin has a great topography that includes waterfalls, and the hot and cold springs. The place will be mesmerizing and will definitely tempt you to go back.

  Dakak Beach

Dakak – a private beach that spans about 750 meters long the Sulu Sea. The beach also has great white sands that can be compared to powder. The pool’s water comes from the spring water and the waterfalls that are on the

This are just some of best beaches you can visit only in the


Images credit:

Friday, February 24, 2012

How To Win Success?

We live and function in an imperfect world that often brings temptations and various trials with it. Stresses and challenges are everyday realities of life.

Success in such a difficult environment requires not just great planning and even greater effort but also making the right choices and cultivating the right habits. Success can come in the form of money, status, prestige, however, the most important one for God's servants- triumph against the evils of this world so as to ensure salvation and eternal life on judgment day.

FAILURE is not an hindrance of SUCCESS
 I failed over and over in my life. Every time I overcome my failure, I considered it  a BIG SUCCESS.

Try and try until you succeed..  Start it with faith, determination, perseverance and  acceptance.  Sometimes we failed in order to strive more to succeed.

Who doesn't want success?  We all wanted it, that's why we are doing our very best in order to have it.  How can we achieve this success?  Can you share some way to achieve it? 

Image credit;

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What does SEXY really means?

Let's talk about tings that can give us a break, meaning.. something that can make our lips move a bit because of smile wanted to show... one eyebrow raised for a while or anything that can change your mood and reaction just for this moment. But, not to have a bad mood or impression please..:)

How do you find your looks? Yeah, everyone is beautiful, everybody has it's own unique beauty. Just like this new hairstyle, melon cat ! I find it more cool and a bit cute for me, hmmm.. I have straight long black hair, what if I'll.. ? You can try it too.:)) Okay, let's go to our topic.

Sexy is an adjective to describe a sexually appealing person or thing.
(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

I was thinking if what does sexy really means? When they say sexy what does it mean to you? Is it the body beautiful? The shapely curve of the butt and the big breast? The word sexy is not only for us ladies but also for guys. What if we don't have that super body beautiful and bombastic breast? Or those six pack abs and with wide shoulder for guys?

What if I don't have those shape? Can I consider myself sexy? For me yes,. In my own opinion, being sexy is not only outside shape or beauty. Anyone can be sexy in their own way. The way they dress, the way they smile and talk or simply the way they walk, meaning it's how you show and carry yourself in and out.

Believe in yourself is one way to show you are certified sexy.

What about you, how and what does sexy means to you?


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My First Wednesday Photo Sharing.. (#1)

I would like to share my first photo sharing...

This photo of cute little boy made my day! It brightens my Wednesday with his lovely smile!:) He's not my son, but I'm happy to share it all with you.. You can check this cute little boy's photo at Daffodil's . Thanks a lot Kate for sharing us this wonderful photo.

~Inspirational Smile quotes~

If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.
Nhat Hanh

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness
William Arthur Ward 

If you post the photo in your blog and link it up, don't forget to add the button.

Here are some rules to follow;
  • The photo can be your own (you can add a copyright if you wish) 
  • It is your choice to add a quote with the photo.
  • You can link up the photo from any sites.  If you decide to post it on your blog, it's better to link the site up with your photo for more safety. (Sometimes, I'm not bothered to do that, but it's more safer when we are trying to pass it around).
  • You are allowed to create some effects in the photo (photo manipulation), just as long as it's a photo then that's fine!
  • It cannot be a fantasy or digitally/ traditionally created picture (Sad face)
  • You cannot link up any nude, racist, violence form of photos.
  • If you are using stock photo materials, Link it up with your photo for more safety. 

Join us and be part of
 Wednesday Photo Inspirations!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Gift and Quotes On It..

A little chocolate is like a love affair - an occasional sweet release that lightens the spirit. A lot of chocolate is like marriage - it seems so good at first but before you know it you've got chunky hips and a waddle-walk.- Linda Solegato 

A woman's heart must be of such a size and no larger, else it must be pressed small, like Chinese feet; her happiness is to be made as cakes are, by a fixed recipe.
George Eliot


The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.
 Maryanne Williamson


 Letting go of someone you love is putting your favorite teddy
bear in the donation box. You will miss it but you know someone deserve it more.
 Unknown quotes 

Each flower is a soul opening out to nature.
Gerard De Nerval

 One gift that we can share anytime without any cost  is

 Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?


Monday, February 6, 2012

What Is Your Unique Way To Show Love This Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is a holiday that happens on February 14. It is the day of the year when two lovers show most of their love to each other. Valentine's Day is named for two martyred Christian Saints named Valentine.

Valentine's Day being done by giving flowers, chocolates or Valentine's cards.  The symbols of Valentine's day are heart shapes, roses, and cupid with his arrows. This holiday or Valentine's Day is very special to all lovers.

Some people or religious groups don't celebrate Valentine's Day, it's not because they're against in showing love.  They have their own belief and we respect them as they respect those who believe and celebrate Valentine's Day. For them, love must share everyday and not only on that specific date.

Giving gift or things is not the only way to show love to your partner. What matter's most is " your heart ". We have our own unique way to show  affection and appreciation too. For me, if given a chance the word " i love you " while holding hand and looking to his eye is the most touching word I wanted to hear and share to my loved one. Giving gift is just a secondary, if you think you can afford to give no problem, because it can added  affection and can make your partner feel more special, especially "ladies".

How about you, how will you  show your love this coming Valentine's Day?

We still have a week to prepare! So, think of something unique that you can give this special day!

Image credit:
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you A Brand-Conscious People?


When shopping or buying things, are you after the brand name or the quality of the things? People who only buy things made by  famous label and are much expensive are often called brand conscious and those people who buy things because of their high quality are usually called quality conscious. What about those people who are looking for inexpensive things to buy? Can we call them price conscious people? Or practical people?

What group of consumer or people you belong? Whenever I'm at shopping mall, I admired signature items,  especially when it comes to bags, clothes and shoes.  When they say signature items what comes in mind is the price, "too expensive" and "best in quality".  The question is, can I afford to buy? Or is my money worth?

I'm not against in buying expensive or branded things if we can afford it. The quality of signature items or branded things are proven of durability and/or high in quality,  unlike those unbranded, which are  low in price or cheaper one. But today's life especially if you're life is just like mine,  I'll choose to be one of those practical people. I'll prefer to have the important things first before signature things for myself.  Family first before branded things. Future first before expensive item. I would rather save my money first before buying too expensive things. Besides, there are things we can buy  inexpensive and still the quality was good.

How about you? How do you buy things most of the time?

Images Credit:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Causes Nightmare ?

Most people believe that those departed leave the place of the living to be born into another world. Those who had already experienced near death talked about a certain kind of certain kind of light and stories about how they followed that light and yet managed to come back.

Superstitions or believing in the other world or realms usually happen in a dream or what we called a nightmare sometimes.  Is it true that bad dream or experiencing one of this is a sign that we're near to death? Nor a sign for particular things that were needed to take care or change.

People who's  suffering from despair, failure or difficulties in life and those who have serious diseases or near to death can experience nightmare and to other people's psychological problem .  Because their mind was focused on negative effect from life and they failed to overcome the dilemma.

One and the most important thing to remember is PRAYER will protect us from any bad or evil spirits. Strong faith that GOD will always guide us no matter how hard life would be.

What causes us to have night mare?  Do you believe in the other world like others do?

Image Credit;

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Earning an Honest Living

The economic condition in the world is not getting any better.  Despite the nobles intents and efforts of world leaders, poverty continues to hound humanity.  It is thus the others saddled or burdened with day-to-day living, forced to do things that are contrary not only to good morals but to God's teachings as well. And this is not only true to the poorest of the poor or ordinary citizens for the matter. Even those wield power or have authority are equally guilty.

Poverty has many dimensions, Income is the common way of measuring it.  People desire is to escape poverty, but escaping is easier thought than achieved. For one, it depends on improving personal capacities and increasing access to a variety of resources, which oftentimes prove easier said than done.  Diligence and Perseverance are not the only virtues that matter in the fight against poverty. 
Honesty is as important and necessary in order for one to be assured of God's blessings.

 "It is better to have a little, honestly earned, 
than to have a large income, dishonestly gained"
  ( Proverbs 16:8, Today's English Version )

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