Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Power Of Forgiveness

We talk about making the best in any bad situation, it's all about "emotions".. affliction, anguish, rejection or anything that can change your mood and direction towards everything, but at the end you find yourself picking up the pieces and moving on.

Past is past, we can't bring it back, and we don't need to forget the past, but what important is we can make that past as a learning tool and a way to welcome the future and enjoy the present.  Who hasn't felt betrayal,unfair treatment or something more abusive? Many of us cling to the resulting rage or pain, but there were who choose to keep all under their control.

Forgiveness play a big role to heal a heart. Learning to forgive those who hurt us can have profound benefits. It's become a new way to manage anger, cut stress and even can improve our health.  Let forgiveness back into your heart so you can be the best of  you can be.

Forgiveness does not change the past,
 but it does enlarge the future
and brighten your day..